Promises Kept

Febrary 28
Julie Hinz

“I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.” Genesis 17:7

From the earliest moments in time, God made promises to those who follow God’s commands. He covenanted with Noah that God would save them from the flood, and then again that God would not again destroy the earth in such a way. In this passage, God’s covenant with Abraham lives on today.

God’s promise or covenant was with Abraham and his offspring throughout their generations. An everlasting covenant – everlasting is a long time! When we trace our faith back, we see that we as Christians share our lineage with Islam and Judaism through this same human man. We are bound together by the promise God made to Abraham.

God has continued to fulfill that promise made thousands of years ago; Abraham’s children continue to flourish. Whether Jewish, Christian, or Muslim, we are still here, we see new generations being born into our extended family, and we continue to rejoice in the God of Abraham. Yes, we all consider God differently. But our beginnings are from the same man to whom God made a promise.

There are no qualifiers in God’s declaration. Nowhere in this verse can you even sense a stipulation, a requirement by Abraham or any of his generations to follow. Simply “I will be God to you and your offspring.” No “if you do this,” or “as long as they follow this rule.” Also, notice in this verse that God does not say “and you will be my people,” another example of the gift of free will God has given us. If we, through the work of the Spirit, become followers, we know and recognize the promises. But even if we do not, God will continue to be God. God and God’s promises are inescapable.

Timeless God, thank you for Abraham who believed in you, whom you declared righteous, to whom you granted an everlasting promise which has been kept over the generations. Help us to revel in the promises you continue to fulfill, promises of comfort, joy, peace, and eternal life with you. Amen.

1 Comment

  1. marnierourke says:

    Dear Julie,


    div>Thank you for this! I have long been involved


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